photographed by Guoman Liao

About harika xing xu 许星

Harika Xu is a lighting designer, video and projection designer, and photographer. Her work spans the artistic landscapes of Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal, reflecting her ongoing dedication to stage storytelling and her commitment to creating memorable experiences across various artistic mediums.

Born and raised in Southeast China, Harika was drawn towards visual storytelling and digital art from a tender age. Her passion led her to pursue a double major in Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design and Production as well as BFA in Visual Art at the University of British Columbia. She is also a proud member of the Associated Designers of Canada.

Harika's fascination with the enchanting world of live performances ignited her theatrical journey. She cherishes the invaluable tutelage she received from Professor Robert Gardiner during her UBC days, as well as the mentorship provided by distinguished lighting designers Gerald King, Sonoyo Nishikawa, and Lesley Wilkinson.

Harika’s creative pursuits encompass theatre, opera, dance, and live events. Light and projection serve as her primary canvases, enabling her to conjure intangible atmospheres and emotions on stage, facilitating storytelling, and guiding audiences through the dimensions of time and space. She views her designs as a practice of abstract art, where she paints the stage with light and colour. Her visual style has been celebrated for its bold and expressive simplicity.

Harika has a strong interest in narratives centred around the minority experience and the exploration of female identity. She also possesses a special affinity for productions deeply rooted in music, immersive and interactive elements, and kinetic expressions, cherishing non-verbal forms of communication as potent tools for storytelling.

Harika’s artistic pursuits extend beyond the confines of the stage. Through her work at the intersection of photography and performance art, she fearlessly explores themes of feminine identity, intimacy, and media manipulation. In this captivating realm, Harika examines the profound dialogue that unfolds between the spectator and the work, often revealing the unseen performances behind the creation of images.

For inquiries, collaborations, or to connect with Harika and explore her creative world, please feel free to contact her via email.